Fabric Guide |
Remarks - The holes of the Acoustik versions of our projection surfaces have a diameter of 0.5 mm, exception made for the Vision Macro Acoustik which holes have a diameter of 1.3 mm.
- Minimum throw distance in UST (ultra-short throw) applications: under 0.5x screen image width.
- Minimum throw distance in ST (short throw) applications: equal or bigger than 0.5x screen image width.
- None of the Adeo projection surfaces are suitable for 3D passive polarized applications.
- Chroma Key is not a projection surface. It’s a green surface used to create special visual effects.
- * Pending release.
| | | Reference White 2 White surface for front projection | Reference White 2 Acoustik White surface for front projection | Reference White 2 is an improved material designed for those applications that require exceptional color accuracy at all viewing angles. Thanks also to the absence of hot-spot effect, it is perfect to be used in a home-theatre or a professional studio. Recommended for controlled light environments. Gain: 0.9 | Micro perforated version of our Reference White 2. Perfect for all applications that require exceptional color accuracy at all viewing angles. Thanks to the micro holes of 0.5 mm is the ideal choice for installations with sound sources placed behind the screen. Characterized by the absence of hot-spot effect, it is perfect for use in home-theater installations or professional studios. Recommended for controlled light environments. Gain: 0.9 | |
| | | Reference Grey 2 Grey surface for front projection | Reference Grey 2 Acoustik Grey surface for front projection | Reference Grey 2 is an improved material designed for installations in rooms with bright walls and some ambient light. It maintains it’s faithful color accuracy at all viewing angles while improving the black level of fixed-matrix video projectors. All these characteristics makes it the best with ultra-short throw (UST) installations. Gain: 0.5 | Micro perforated version of our Reference Grey 2. Thanks to the 0.5 mm holes that makes it acoustically transparent, it’s ideal in installations with sound sources placed behind the screen. Designed for use in environments with bright walls and some ambient light, like the non-acoustically transparent version, it maintains color accuracy at all viewing angles, improving the black level of fixed matrix projectors. All these characteristics makes it the best with ultra-short throw (UST) installations. Gain: 0.5 | |
| | | Ambient Grey 2 Grey surface for front projection | Ambient Grey 2 Acoustik Grey surface for front projection | Ambient light rejecting (ARL) surface that has been refined to improve the color uniformity and the depth of the projected image. It is our best surface for applications with presence of ambient light. This fabric can be used in combination with short throw (ST) projectors, but not with ultra-short throw (UST) ones. Gain: 0.9 | Acoustically transparent version of our best ambient light rejecting (ALR) surface, with great color uniformity and depth of the projected image. This fabric can be used as well in combination with a short throw (ST) projector, but not with an ultra-short throw (UST) one. The micro holes have a diameter of 0.5 mm. Gain: 0.8 | |
| | | Ambient Grey Grey surface for front projection | Vision White White surface for front projection | Ambient Grey surface is designed to be used in applications with the presence of ambient light or in rooms with bright colored walls. This screen material achieves high quality video performance with really bright Home Theater projectors, and is also suitable to be used in ultra-short throw (UST) and short throw (ST) applications, maintaining excellent black levels and perfect color uniformity. Gain: 0.6 | Vision White is a great quality all-around projection surface, achieving perfect planarity, optimal image reproduction (even on very large screens) and excellent light diffusion, thanks to its embossed finish. It has a wide viewing angle, high luminosity, no hot-spot effect and fantastic colour uniformity. This versatile fabric is perfect for commercial applications and price sensitive residential installations. Gain: 1.2 | |
| |  | Vision White Pro White surface with black backing for front projection. | Vision Acoustik White surface for front projection | The Adeo range of fabrics also includes a laminated surface, especially designed for critical situations where a relevant source of light is present on the back of the screen or nearby from behind the screen. By blocking the light, the black backing helps to achieve an unimpaired projection. This projection material is particularly suitable for small and medium size screens. Gain: 0.9 | This acoustically transparent surface comes with micro-holes of 0.5 mm of diameter, allowing to place speakers behind the screen. It also reduces the loss of luminosity typical of traditional perforated surfaces, guaranteeing at the same time the absence of hot-spot effects in the centre of the screen. Ideal for non-residential installations (excluding commercial cinemas) or price conscious projects. Gain: 0.75 | |
| | | Vision Macro Acoustik White surface for front projection | Vision Rear DB For front and rear projection | Acoustically transparent surface with micro-holes of 1.3 mm suitable for commercial applications, such as cinemas, theaters or very large venues. This fabric is hot-spot free. Gain: 0.75 | This innovative screen material is designed to be used in both front and rear projection applications. It allows to continuously switch between front and rear projection by electronically inverting image on vertical axis. It offers extremely wide viewing angle with flat spectral response and no colour shift throughout the whole recommended viewing angle. Designed for 4K Ultra HD applications, it is perfectly suited for use with todays high-brightness high-performance video projectors. Gain: 0.6 Fronte / 0.8 Retro | |
| | | Vision Fold 2 White scratch-resistant surface for front projection | Vision Fold Rear 2 Superficie di colore grigio per retroproiezioni | In service and rental applications, screens are subjected to frequent assembling and dismantling operations, and the surface often remains folded for long periods and in all sorts of climate conditions. These circumstances can damage normal projection materials, leaving marks in the place of the folds. The high elasticity of the Vision Fold 2 material from Adeo avoids exactly that to happen. Gain: 0.9 | Grey surface for rear projection. Intended for the rental and service channels, this is a rear projection fabric. Owing to its outstanding elasticity, this surface resists wear-and-tear and weathering, and withstands the repeated assembling and dismantling operations typical of the applications it is intended for. Gain: 0.6 | |
| | | Chroma Key Surface in green color RAL 6038 | | The Chroma Key is a technique used in the TV and cinema industries to create special effects, projecting people or objects onto “virtual” backgrounds, being added separately at a later stage. This solution allows to mix two (or more) videos, using a particular background during post-production, resulting in perfectly merged and synchronized images. | | |
Application | Most recommended surface | | | For ambient light rejection (ALR) | Ambient Grey 2 - AG2 | For ultra-short throw (UST) | Reference Grey 2 - RG2 | For ambient light rejection (ALR) + ultra-short throw (UST) | Ambient Grey - AGR | For ambient light rejection (ALR) + acoustic transparency (AT) | Ambient Grey 2 Acoustik - AGA | For acoustic transparency (AT) in dedicated home-cinema room completely dark | Reference White 2 Acoustik - RWA | For acoustic transparency (AT) in dedicated home-cinema room with light colored walls | Reference Grey 2 Acoustik - RGA | For acoustic transparency (AT) in non-residential installations or price conscious projects (excluding commercial cinemas) | Vision Acoustik - VAC | For acoustic transparency (AT) in commercial cinema with large size screen | Vision Macro Acoustik - VMA | For acoustic transparency (AT) + ultra-short throw (UST) | Reference Grey 2 Acoustik - RGA | For acoustic transparency (AT) + ultra-short throw (UST) + ambient light rejection (ALR) | Reference Grey 2 Acoustik - RGA | For no speakers behind the screen in dedicated completely dark room | Reference White 2 - RW2 | For no speakers behind the screen in dedicated room with light colored walls | Reference Grey 2 - RG2 | For back light blocking | Vision White Pro - VWP | For education channel (low and mid market segments) | Vision White - VDB | For rear projection | Vision Rear DB - VDB | For Front or Rear Viewing Using Just 1 Projector, Capable of Inverting the Projected Image on the Rear Side of the Fabric | Vision Rear DB - VDB | For rental in front projection | Vision Fold 2 - VFO | For rental in rear projection | Vision Fold Rear 2 - FR2 | |